I know the link that was posted here worked about as well as capturing an action picture of a saluki puppy in dim light. But it's fixed now. And I have 133 responses so far!
So here's the blurb:
I am working on an article for Sighthound Review magazine about selling/placing sighthound puppies. As part of the article I am comparing typical prices. If you are a breeder (or even a savvy buyer) please go to
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/H3DSSFY and fill out the survey. Please feel free to forward this to other sighthound breeders or discussion groups. Responses are anonymous unless you volunteer otherwise. The survey is aimed at U.S. prices, so please indicate if you live elsewhere.
I will be asking follow-up questions as well, so don't hesitate to contact me with your opinions or suggestions, or to volunteer to answer more.